Advanced Tracking - Creating A Campaign Tracking Link

If you use google analytics to measure and analyze your traffic, we strongly encourage you to build a Campaign URL through google. Our network of sites comprise of 50+ golf sites and one link will help combine all traffic. (Rather than search and tally all sources collectively) If you are not using google analytics, create an account at

Campaign URL Builder:

Use the URL builder tool to generate your campaign URL(s), then copy and paste and provide to your advertisers (in this case us).

How the parameters work:
In any of these cases you can identify (or a site in our network as the source, you can also add the type like banners, features, etc.

utm_source: Identifies the advertiser, website or publication that is sending traffic to your website. i.e.
utm_medium: The advertising or marketing medium. i.e banner or webads
utm_campaign: The individual campaign name, promotion or product. i.e. Fall or 2017
utm_term: Identify paid search keywords. If you're manually tagging paid keyword campaigns, you should also use utm_term to specify the keyword. i.e. golf+promo
utm_content: Used to differentiate links within the same email. For example, set different values for each so link so you can tell which gets clicked on the most. i.e. logolink or textlink

Example: features a golf course directory, golf blogs, videos and golf planning tools.

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